Bridging Customers and Businesses Automatically

Businesses have many options in how they choose to provide their customers with information. Now a customer has the option of not speaking to a live representative if the answers can be found on the automated option phone menu.

A service I recently learned about has programs that would allow customers access to the company's information menus as needed. I used to think only large companies, or companies with franchise opportunities employ this type of service, but not anymore, if you could afford it, it’s a huge advantage.

The system provides immediate contact and information. Just imagine how much time a business could save from answering questions that could easily be done by the Courtesy Dialer System. For example, a person wanting to find out the balance due on his account- this and other similar types of information are straight forward and can be accomplished with the IVR speech recognition and or touch tone. With this tool, businesses would be saving money and time, and provide immediate information to their customers like never before.


  1. Automated services can be helpful or annoying depending on how they are set up. Set up properly they can save a lot of time and expense.

  2. As a consumer, I hate calling and having to deal with an automated system. I much rather enjoy speaking to a living and breathing person. However from a business standpoint it makes sense and saves money for the business.

  3. Yes I agree the machine option could be annoying. As such, I believe businesses could stream line the types of questions a consumer is calling about - because they have the option to do so.


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