Ten Reasons Why i Blog

1- I love playing with photos to create different effects and blogging gives me the opportunity to satisfy my curiosity as well as creative cravings. For example, the photo above of Miss Trinity, isn't it interesting and dramatic in the emboss mode?

2- When I was very young, I used to hide away so that I could write in my journal. I stayed up late and tweaked the words until I am happy, even in my own diary! Then I would re-read what I wrote and critique myself. Ha!

3- Blogging is the only full-time job [not necessary with any pay] that allows me to work while my family is sleeping. I became a writer before I know it and didn't realize how much I love writing. Until a friend reminded me, that back in the days, I'd won a Young Authors Awards. So there was a love for writing that got lost with the responsibilities and the battles for survivorship.

4- I love being able to fill my time and occupy my mind with some thing else other than the family. Blogging is a way to release many emotions for me, it has helped me stay busy mentally, and stay out of my family's significant other’s hair.

5- I love watching the Alexa ranking go up and down. Just when I am about to have the "whatever" attitude, it surprises me with an upward move and gets me all hyped up again, or a downward move that pokes at my competitive sense to do something about it.

6- Blogging allows me to share who I am with people that are interested in me. 

7- Blogging allows me to joke and have a sense of humor. Yes, I have no one to joke with at home. My jokes die after the human receives but doesn't have a comeback. I am thrilled when my blogger patrons get my jokes and joked back so very funny. WooHoo!

8- I love all the excitement online. For example, when Ann at The Relationship Supermarket Stumble Upon my post of Happy Birthday Contract Son! and from that re-post I received so many hits that it felt amazing! Yet, I appreciate it even more when I can shut-down and walk away when I want. 

9- I love that I can connect with people from different countries, or states as if they are down the street. 

10- Blogging allows me to bring out many of my love. I don’t have a niche for one thing as you can see. I love most everything – some specifics are light and delicious food, gardening, real estate, investments, online business, technology – cool toys and applications, and beautiful photography.

My ten things are not necessary in any order.


  1. Thanks for the mention! I blog for the love of sharing, and connecting with others, and to keep my mind busy, like you!

    1. I believe because someone thought "sharing" was a good idea, that is why blogger is around. x-)

  2. Oh, thank you for the link and mention. That's so kind of you.
    I do love blogging too. I wish I had a magic wand to put up my ranking whenever they got low, but maybe I'll find one soon. :-)
    Thanks again.

  3. I enjoyed your ten reasons for blogging. I also love to play around with pictures and most of all to connect with people all over the world. :)

  4. thanks for sharing your ten reasons why you love to blog, we share some, though i am not good in writing, but blogging has helped me a lot in letting the words flow.

  5. Great list! I blog for most of the same reasons. I truly heart blogging.

  6. Hi! I agree with you... blogging is one of the most significant outlets for us nowadays, and the fact that you talk to bloggers/readers and know them better than your neighbors? Sooo true!!

    I believe our readers (Okay, i only have a couple or so!) get our humor because they have so much in common with us, don't you think so?

    Anywa, nice post!

  7. Ladies, in this world, if we don't have friends, it would be terrible. And I find it hard keeping up with friendships with kids...
    Anne, when you find the magic wand, please let me in on it. Like Diane and her pictures of the desert, they are so very interesting, I didn't think deserts could look that nice. Betchai, I could say the same thing, sometimes liking to write doesn't make you a good writer. But we should be improving by doing it consistently through blogging. Allison, my list is from the heart ;-) Jane, you are so right, haha. It's an outlet, a place to connect, and it's wonderful stuff- blogging.

  8. #6 should be #1! I am honored to be mentioned in your blog.

  9. I love to blog for various reasons as well. It's more like a hobby for me now!

  10. I love to blog too. Where would we be without the ability to get our thoughts out and isn't it wonderful when someone understands?

  11. I blog for a lot of the same reasons. You put into words, beautifully, many of the feelings I have about blogging. Thanks.

  12. Thanks for linking up!

    So funny your mention about oysters and my husband's humorous experience!

    Enjoyed your reasons for blogging and can relate to most!

  13. Hehe you just reminded me of my childhood! I used to hide under the blanket with a torch and write stuff. Stuff like- "Mummy didn't allow me to go to my friend's place today" or "I don't like eating papaya at all" haha. I was hardly 10, what lovely days they were:)

  14. Another generous post with so many great links.
    I think, many of us blog for these same reasons which in fact could be summarized in #4-"a way to release many emotions".

  15. I love the idea of making a list of why you love blogging. Maybe I'll make my own list at some point. Great list by the way. :)

  16. All great reasons to blog, I think many of these are shared by many of us. I am truly enjoying getting to know people from around the world and learning about their lives and cultures. The blogging universe is a great place.

  17. I think it's very rewarding that we are able to develop good friendships this way. While I agree blogging and the internet are great outlets, sometimes I think all the access we have now have put more demands on us humans.

  18. I share many of the same reasons. Plus, I can write whatever the heck I feel like and people all over the world can see it. Pretty awesome.

  19. Aha! I see it now! The answer to my 1st question.. By the way I'm trying to follow you for about two or three days.. But GFC does not function.. :(


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