Zenni Optical Eyeglasses

My sister called me the other day and asked where I bought MattLove's eyeglasses. She said now that the entire family has to wear prescription eyeglasses, she can't afford to buy them through the doctor's office.

I told her it will be okay, she could purchase all her family eyeglasses through Zenni Optical. She will need to obtain the pupillary distance measurement from the eye examination as this is a required measurement. Best yet, she will love the selections, there are so many to choose from. Everyone in her family has a different personality and varies in ages, so it’s great that they will have choices

Zenni Optical offers multi focal, computer or desktop glasses and many other choices for single vision eyes. They also offer the option to order nonprescription eyeglasses. Just leave the prescription data fields blank. Again, a papillary distance is required in order to proceed with the order form, check with the customer service to make sure.

It’s the right choice given how tough the economy is currently. One will never know about their job stability and what tomorrow brings. When everything’s going well you don’t think about it too much, but when you are in need of a reliable and good place to do business with, it’s good to know you can trust Zenni Optical to deliver.


  1. Thanks for the info! My family is now in glasses!

  2. I think everyone has to eventually look into glasses. Thanks for the info.


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