Fluffy Pink Cloud Show

Going forward you will see a lot of pictures from my Michigan trip, at least until I completely exhausted my files. These pictures are those that you have to be there to appreciate. Pink fluffs in the sky. We actually sat and did a real sky watch on the deck of my SO's parents' home. It was around dinner time, and the Michigan sky was so showing off with fluffy pink clouds. We all were amazed at the beautiful the sky that evening.

I have found many beautiful Sky Watch posts, but I seemed to be dull and unappreciative or something, I can never find a sky that I even wanted to capture or upload to a blog. However, you can see that I have reached a new height in maturity today, eh?? Taking pictures of the sky for Self Sagacity... well maybe just this one, it is an exception.
The clouds really put on a show, and the color of the sky reflect upon the white flowers below, and my camera captured the magical moment when it looked pink!

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Those phlox flowers are white? They look to be the exact same pink as the skies! I love those clouds!!

  2. Very cool shots! Awesome colors

  3. So fluffy, pure and just plain beautiful

  4. Gorgeous sky pictures! Michigan's sky some times are very dramatic..

  5. What a beautiful sky. The clouds look for fluffy and pinkish like cotton candy. Great shot indeed.

  6. Awesome pictures you got there!!!

  7. Mother Nature is so inspiring. What beautiful pictures of a gorgeous sky!
    Thank you for visiting my blog!

  8. @Judythe flowers look pink that night but they were really white. The fluffy clouds were amazing to watch.

  9. What a beautiful sky! I too went to Michigan for vacation this summer, my husband's brothers dock their boats in St. Joseph, Michigan, so we stayed nearby in a lakehouse condo and it was SO much fun! And the evenings and early mornings were so COOL in temperature compared to Texas where I live now! Happy Pink Saturday! Suzie

  10. Just stopping by on my 1st PS to say hello. Love the lighting on the flowers to make them pink!

  11. Your right, they sure did turn out pink! How cool and I love your pink clouds!


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