Saving is Our Favorite Subject

Saving is a popular subject of late, especially when the opportunities are endless. Every dollar counts and substitution becomes a science when needed to be. We are not living royalties and it doesn't matter as long as the products work well.

It has been a couple of years since I was introduced to Orbitz coupons. Since then websites come and go, but Orbitz seems to be stronger in promotions and travel deals. Planning your travel could be a headache, both time and cost consuming. So before starting your plans, scope-out the discounts and make that trip stretch with more activities for the kids.

Maybe it is my imagination, but many products seemed to be much more affordable now than when I was growing up. The savings are more advertised or more readily available. I found my kids cheap new laptops with the Dell promo codes.

For our bathroom remodeling project, I used the Home Depot promo code to get free shipping on a few items that we needed that the local store didn't have on hand. There were also some light and bath fixture coupons that came in handy as well.

While frugality isn't so cool when I was in my early twenties because all the friends were worried about who have more, now, it would be unthinkable for me to buy something without using coupons and/ or discounts found online.

I enjoy savings and getting great deals don't you?

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. New follower from Tuesday Blog Hop! Come visit me:

  2. i could use some savings all the time. and yes, we need to be frugal and wise spender especially in this tough economic time. every penny counts. i would pick up a penny on the road which i don't usually do before... but hey... my 99 cents will not be a dollar if it 1 penny shy, right?

  3. Yes, I enjoy great deals, but I need to do more coupon hunting in the future!

  4. @MumsyI am very frugal now, it's funny that when I was younger, I could careless about my paychecks being gone.

  5. @RuthiA great way to think of it Ruthi, I think it's very important to know the value. My daughter found a penny today, she is so cute that she was so happy about it.

  6. @KalaCheck my freebies page to see what's free, and there are coupons links under the posts. Smiles

  7. I wish I could save some money. It is so hard to be able to set anything aside.


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