Pedicures and Pearls are Pure Indulgence | Thursday Two Questions #8

P is for Pedicures. Pedicures are one of the most wonderful indulgences in life. And if life was perfect, I would have a pedicure once a week. That is - if I ever find my favorite pedicurist. The procedure is an hour plus. Although sometimes it could be 20 minutes or less, but if you got one of those quickies {20 minutes or less}, you really didn't get the ultimate treatment.

I like having my feet massage. I like when the pedicurists take time on this step, and I often offer them to skip all the other steps and get right to massaging my incredibly neglected feet.

As you already concluded, I am letting out another one of my secrets today, I love my toe nails white with sparkles like the photos here. I don't wear any other colors - for real. I wore my toe nails this way for as long as I remember, because white goes with everything, and I don't have to worry about matching my toe nails color with what I wear or what sandals I chose that day .

If I was normal, I would treat my feet better, more delicately. Like the feeling when I put on a necklace. I am taking time for myself, decorating me, and pampering myself esteem. I should always pamper my feet this way, wear toe rings, shower them with pearls and blinks!

And check-out this brand new meme, Thursday Two Questions:
1) Do you get pedicures, how often?
2) Do you think pedicures are indulgences, what is yours?

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I love pedicures, too - and I have promised myself that next time I get my hair done, I will book one. They are wonderful, and do make you feel better, for sure - and my hairdresser does beauty treatments too, so I don't even have to leave the building!

    I've never had white toe varnish. Interesting .. I usually go for pale pearly pinks on my feet. That goes with everything too!

  2. I don't get pedicures as often as I would like. The last one was about 2 years ago.
    I suffer with chronic pain, so the extra 'pamper' money goes to the chiropodist when I can. The treatments make the pain bearable.

  3. I've tried getting peticures a few times-just can't relax and around here the people who do them are always talking in another language(and I'm sure it's about the customer) and I can't stand that!

  4. I like your ideas about self-esteem and the willingness to be pampered. I have never had my nails done professionally. However, whenever I bother to add a splash of color to my hands or feet I get a lift.

  5. I give myself pedicures, I have yet to get one professionally done.

  6. I seriously NEED one.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  7. What a coincidence! I have appointment with my pedicure tomorrow! Thanks for your visit!

  8. I havent tried a pedicure yet. But maybe I will try one day. Thank You for stopping by for a visit. Have a good one....Julian

  9. You feet are soooooo cool. I love the white toe nail.

    come visit

  10. Mmmmmmm! Pedicures are a serious luxury! Don't you walk out of there with legs of Jello after the massage?? lol! Happy WW!

    xoxo laurie

  11. What a luxury! I'd love to have one. The photo looks very happy!

  12. I had my very first pedicure this year, a birthday gift from my sister and sister-in law. And oh, how much I loved it. My feet felt so good and my toe nails looked so wonderful that I immediately went out and bought some lovely sandals to show them off. So in answer to question one, this is one indulgence I hope to do again next summer when it's sandal time again. It beats a massage (another birthday gift) and is right up there as one of my favorite things to do (question 2)with a facial (another gift--I have a big family).

  13. I've only had a pedicure once; a mother's day treat from my youngest daughter. It was a rare treat.

  14. I've actually never gotten a pedicure before! =/ I do need one though! haha I haven't tried white nail polish either, but you make it look good, so I think I want to try it now!

  15. 1. I have them about every couple of years or so and I am in need of one now.

    2. As for indulgences, I call them a gift to myself. For me, I love to give myself a facial. It's so rejuvenating.

  16. i love your white toe nails with sparkles.:p

    a pedicure is one of my weekend therapies.:p i have pedicures every other week with massage from the feet up to the knees. i often forget to moisturize my feet so a pedicure and massage are the best way to pamper the feet. when i have time, i go for a foot spa.:p

    aside from manicures/pedicures, going to the spa to get a full body massage is my indulgence. and it feels great!

  17. I'm not too girly so I have never had a pedicure. I do paint my toenails once in a while for a whim.

    I don't have any indulgences I can think of except maybe and hour by myself. My husband is

  18. 1) I can't take touching to my feet, so no, I don't have a pedicure, except when I do it myself.

    2)'s not an indulgence, since there is a health benefit to having pedicure too.

  19. I have never had a pedicure before in my life and that's one of those things I don't envision myself eve having even though it sounds nice. My indulgence would be the rare time I have true alone time with my husband. That's what I look forward to the most.

  20. my last pedicure was five years ago when i got married hahhaa!!! :) no kidding! too lazy to do that every week, but i clean the house everyday! ;)

  21. thanks for stopping by!
    I would LOVE a pedi..
    It feels like it has been AGES since I had one!!!

  22. Ooooh....I LOVE a good pedi. It feels so indulgent and relaxing and just heavenly.

    This makes me think I don't get them often enough!!

  23. I do my nails every week. Once a month I go to the salon for foot spa. I indulge myself because I deserve it. We all deserved to be pampered!

  24. I love that white polish! I do my own pedicures but might give it a try one of these days.

    I occasionally indulge myself with a manicure.

  25. I love pedicures and foot massage! I used to do my own but now have them professionally done! I love colors but the white one gave me an idea.

  26. I only had pedi done once in my life. When I was pregnant with my first. My SIL treated me to one.

    I've not done one before that or after.

    I really should.

    My indulgences is music and chocolates :)

  27. Oh I love pedicures. Too bad my toes will freeze out at this time of the year so it is not very smart for me to have a pedicure now when all I wear is a pair of boots. hahahah Oh, is it summer yet?


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