Wheels of the Past

We visited the San Jose Historical Museum on Trick a Treat day and saw a lot of red. There were many interesting rides, in terms of transit means way back when. Today automobiles are the most popular type of transit in the Silicon Valley. Everyone drives and mostly alone.

It seemed our city put more money in building commuter lanes, which is two or more people per vehicle, to encourage ride sharing. However, people's schedules and lifestyles don't always match-up, so the commute lane is underutilized while the other lanes are still congested. Traveling by automobiles has many advantages, but during commute hours it seemed there just might a better alternative.

Another way my family define traveling, or transiting would be to a vacation destination. We know better to buy the trip cancellation insurance, because sometimes things don't always work-out the way you plan. With each of us living at our different phases in life, we never know who might need to cancel. Moreover, we have leaned toward buying the visitor health insurance as well because it is better to have options especially when traveling far away.

Planning for a family vacation takes a lot of preparation and tons of research. There are not many choices on the dates and prices unless you allow the kids to skip out of school. To travel when everyone is off and on vacation is a lot more expensive. And the kids are not always super excited to leave all their electronics either. Not when they can watch their favorite shows on HDTV, play games, and have the internet right in the comfort of their home. Nevertheless, a family vacation means everyone in the family goes. So it might take a lot of time to plan and costs a lot of money to pick a date that works for everyone, but it isn't the same without any member.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Even before we has a farm I loved old farm machinery. Nice post. Bad traffic situations are a spreading bane across the world, particularly in cities, try driving in Geneva at peak times when one way streets actually change direction and you just go in circles and cannot find a way to turn into the street you are looking for.

  2. Looks like fun. I couldn't help noticing the stunning background of a beautiful, sunny and bright day. Oh! for one of those right now :-)

  3. Hey there!
    Just stumbled upon your blog. Just wanted to let you know that I LOVE it! I will be back for more! Thanks for posting!

  4. Awsesome post for a Rednesday and also so informative...I learned so much! I also totally agree about the insurance and the health coverage while planning for vacation. You are so right "sometimes things don't always work-out the way you plan." Been there and done that and thanked God I paid for the insurance. Instead of losing 100 dollars for the insurance, my family and I would have been out 5,000 dollars...

    That was also interesting about the highway. That is sad about it not being utilized..like an empty lane while all the others are so jammed packed.

    MY favorite piks is that red wagon..yepper, sure would look lovely right in my front yard,,lol. Of course it pretty much would cover my entire yard but eh..it's red!! lol

  5. i was most interested, actually, in the paragraph about trip cancellation and health insurance; i've never had either! something to think on...
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  6. Interesting post. And beautiful photos to go with it.

  7. @ArijaYou live in Geneva? That's so cool to me. I don't know what it is about traffic. Before the road opens, we traveled elsewhere, but then, when a new road opens, we are jammed again, how does this happened? Where did all these people come from?

  8. @Anne Lyken-GarnerWow! you have good eyes. It was a beautiful sunny, perfect day, without any wind, but just the perfect skin temperature.

  9. @Joe ToddI don't go to enough museum, I am kind of a action Jackson, need to do not just see.

  10. @EwaOh man! I was afraid someone might raise that question. The truth? I have no idea! I thought it was a bombing tank! Ha, it definitely was in the section of trains, so I would bet it is one of the very first little trains, or automobiles they had built.

  11. @KaHollyIt wasn't very far, thank goodness. I am so glad we have this park close by it sure teaches Trinity a lot of things.

  12. @AngelaNow that I am older, and less capable of just holding out. I am a wimp! I need medication to take the pain away, I need comfort, etc. I think it is wise to have health insurance, especially when we are up there in age.

  13. @Roger Owen GreenFunny thing, we have had to cancel once and thank god we had insurance. You know how airfares go, once purchased, it's done deal.

  14. Calling by from Italy as I am participating in Outdoor Wednesday and doing some blog hopping.
    Interesting to see the steam engine as we used to enjoy visiting steam engine fairs when we lived in the UK.

  15. That museum looks like fun, I love old machinery like that. I believe that might be a tractor, the wheels aren't right for a train.


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