Find the Best, Cheapest Web Hosting

It is the New Year, and like many people I have all the thoughts of improving my life, improving my finance, and not to say this is the least important, improving my blog. But everything takes time to accomplish, and time isn’t something you can buy back. Once used it is gone. So, use your time wisely.

It is like everything in life, making a commitment to having a blog, a website, or a business, takes a lot of time. If you don’t love it and know how to care for it, you are bound to fail or quit.

If you are thinking about starting a website or a blog, it is a good idea to take time to find a good web hosting site. Why? There are many advantages, but for starters, you can host an unlimited number of websites with one web host account for as little as $3.95 a month.

The prices have dropped like big LCD TVs. Some hosts even offer unlimited space and traffic. I remember not too long ago, we had to pay for the space coverage. For anything extra that you wanted for your website, you pay more fees. Do some research on the web hosting directory and you will be amazed at how little it costs now. And here is another bonus to look for, how about free domain included in your web hosting package?

Take your time and do some reading first. There are a lot of information on this website, from domain names, to colocation, to SEO and so much more. If anything after you thoroughly understood the names of each component, you might even be able to speak a bit of "tech" lingo.

We are living in a much better world today, opportunities for all, and lower prices on technology to empower us to accomplish more in life. Now, if only I had another 12 hours in a day.



  1. If I decide to go .com I'll definitely do some research.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Happy New Year, Amanda, may you have a wonderful one. I am using blogger at the moment, and right now it serves me okay as well, however, if my requirements expands, am sure, I would be looking for another webhosting.

  3. Good information to consider, and you are so right about the changes and improvements in technology.


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