Pools and Staying Above Water

This isn't the time to think about pools, because I am freezing, or perhaps it is because we are using our rain boots to stay dry. But I am more concern about staying above water, and not drowning in my to do list. You know how every year, someone always bring you the news that Christmas decorations are already up in the stores and Halloween isn't here yet? And you say, yes, they are getting earlier every year. Yet, next thing you know, it is Christmas week already, and you're scrambling to get those last minute gifts.

Before I know it, summer is here again. The pools will be picked over, and I don't want to be left with no choice. By the end of summer last year, we thought about above ground pools and I got a reminder from Trinity today. She came to me with a catalog and said "show me" that meant "let me show you", but because she learned from how we say it to her, and that is how it she used it. I think she has outgrown the kiddie pools and want company. Every year we would get one of those plastic pools, but it doesn't last long. It seemed dad put more effort in blowing it up and keeping it full of air than how long it actually lasts.

The leaves have all fallen off, leaving the trees bare and naked. Although I managed to save some photos of the gorgeous shades of leaves while the weather was turning. I guess I could imagine being in 70 degrees weather. I need an early start this year, and know what I want so that I don't end up without one in the middle of summer. Thus, I added another item to my to do list today.

Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. Ummm....no. It's always time to think of a pool. I had a pool at my previous house and there is not a day goes by that I don't miss it. If only the pool fairy would come and deliver a pool to me.

  2. Other than small kiddie pools, we never had a swimming pool. We'd go to Embassy Suites about one weekend a month and they'd spend nonstop time in the water then, coming out like shriveled prunes. They loved the breakfasts and would eat for two hours, starting as soon as they started serving and going back over and over again.

    My oldest son became a scuba diver and my youngest loved swimming and surfing, braving the cold Pacific of northern CA.

  3. Your first paragraph is so true! :)

    I did get a plastic pool for the kids last year too and it was more effort keeping air into it and then it went poof! But that's all we can do for now. Unless we win the big baptism pool they use at our church this year!!

    What I really want to start early this year and not regret that I didn't start earlier is planting flowers around our home.
    I love flowers and plants.

    Love the photos too.

    Aloha :)

  4. I love the red leaves in your photos, and would love to have a pool for summer, but my yard is so little.

  5. Your fall leaves are very pretty and bright. I have so many, I do not enjoy seeing them as much. Been too cold to mulch them.

  6. It's never too early to think summer-it will be here before we know it. The leaves are beautiful!

  7. I would love to have a little pool, and summer will definitely be here before we know it!
    Happy REDnesday!

  8. I love your colorful photos.

    While a pool would be wonderful the upkeep is something we really don't have time for right now.


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