I rather pay a onetime charge than keep having to pay every time the unexpected expenses occur. I had extended coverage on the two vehicles I bought and they were both the best thing I ever did when purchasing new cars. The extended coverage relieved a lot of stress, because I never had to pay for anything that went wrong in the first seven years. But the plan expired and I missed it so. I am glad to learn that I don't have to worry anymore because there is Auto Assure, the Auto Coverage As Seen On TV. I really love the idea of having insurance for my car repairs. I also like that I have a choice in which coverage I buy for the cars. It makes sense to have different levels of coverage since the older cars would naturally need more work.
If you have a car that is out of warranty and feel the same way about car expenses, get a quote from auto assure and start saving your money. We tend to put things that don't hurt on the back burner, like looking for extended car insurance, but making a list will help you get through those items you've been putting off. Even if you are just curious about the auto coverage, you have nothing to loose, and you're not obligated to purchase the plan. But what you will get is information and options for your vehicle. Choose the plan that is best for your vehicle and never pay for out of pocket expenses again.
Insurance for car repairs is an interestin thought. We insure for damage and theft but rarely think about the maintenance costs until they occur.
ReplyDeleteI have a big problem with paying for repairs on cars because of the costs. It's like an endless remodeling job.
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