Thursday Two Questions #31

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Here are Self Sagacity's Thursday Two Questions #31

These questions are about how you've touch someone's life. What you think someone you've taken care of, or are very close to thinks about you. If you don't have your own children, it could be your best friend.

1) If you were only allowed to give your children or a best friend one piece of advice, what would that be?
2) If your children or best friend could describe you with one word, what would you like it to be?

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Thursday Two Questions Feature Blogger for this week is Luna Miranda. Please take this opportunity to say "hello". Click on the links below and you will be taken to Luna Miranda's blogs.

I just retired from a full-time job after almost 20 years in the industry. At 45, it was a huge step to make but hey, I like being spontaneous. I thrive on having freedom and autonomy in whatever I do. This brought on a range of misunderstandings with my mother when I was a teenager. Now she understands that I am strong-willed to the point of being stubborn.

At this point in my life, I would like to take part in various pursuits, and if there is a chance to be creative, I'll jump right in. I am a curious sort who love to find her own path, whatever it may be. I don't have a competitive nature, dislike predictability, and feel stifled with routine. Well, where's the fun in knowing what's around the next corner?

I enjoy blogging and currently managing two blogs: Miranda and Live in the Moment. Blogging takes me to places I can only dream about. This is also my venue to show the "good side" of the Philippines. Thank you, Amanda, for hosting this great meme. TTQ is that time of the week to exercise the brains, and it's always fun.

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  1. Hi Amanda!
    I am trying to update all my memes this week. I did say "try."

    And you're featuring Miranda. What fun!

    My As:

    1. My advice to children and friends are the same: to find what and where they derive their greatest joy and pursue it with passion.

    2. And the one word to describe me: friend. And that applies even to animals. ;-)

  2. 1. Always listen to your heart.

    2. I would like them to describe me as giving.

  3. Enjoy your retirement. I'm sure you'll fill the freed hours with plenty of creative things to do. Just don't spend all of it blogging, which can easily happen. Thanks for sponsering this meme.

  4. I tell my children to follow God. They cannot go wrong if they go where He leads them.

    I would like to be known as loving. If they know I love them and always feel my love for them, even when I am gently guiding them back on the right track, I will be happy.

  5. Congrats to Miranda for being featured. I really enjoyed learning more about her.

    I would say to always be open to new possibilities, never say never.

    On this one my answer is similar to Ewa, I would like to be described simply as strong.

  6. Put God as number one in your life and make sure you know that possessions aren't what make you happy.
    I'd like to be described as 'loving' because I need to work on being totally loving. Sometimes I can be too strict.

  7. 1) I would say: give without expectation.

    2) I would want them to say "kind", and I will ask the children today :-)

    Congrats, Miranda..I enjoy your blogs.

  8. The most important thing I can say to my friends or children is to be yourself not like the rest of the crowd. I see kids copying others everywhere. It's hard to tell one from another. Who cares what someone else thinks?

    I'm sure it would be nutty. You gotta remember, I'm an open, fun-loving person. I don't mind acting up with my kids and friends. This is what keeps me young or at least one of the ingrediants.

    ~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
    The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

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  9. My advice would be to be true to yourself.
    I guess I would like to be described as caring.

    Thank you for hosting. And YAY Miranda for being featured today.

  10. Hi Amanda! Thank you for linking me in and for the feature. just arrived from the airport.:p

    1) i would say to listen to your elders, they have a wealth of knowledge and experience.

    2) i would like to be described as generous.

    @ Margaret, thanks for the reminder.:p

  11. questions are rather similar. Well, I actually found myself in a discussion with my oldest son I'd say, however you act now (it was in regard to family)'ll be dealing with the same folks most likely in the be careful (don't act rash). 2, I want to be remembered for speaking the truth in love but always having kept an opening (forgiveness and that).

  12. Thanks for hosting! Have a fabulous weekend! :-)

    1) As long as there is breath in your body - there is hope!

    2) Inspiring!


  13. @Ewa Awww! I am trying to teach Trinity to say pretty momma too. :-) Be yourself is a great suggestion.

  14. @Poetic Shutterbug Listen to your heart is another good one, but if it's about boys, I think I will tell Trinity that when she is 40! Listen to your heart about other constructive things, I can really teach her now. :-)

  15. @♥~Judy~♥Yes, sounds like you have a wonderful relationship with God, and I really admire that. Loving is a great adjective to describe yourself Judy.

  16. @SquirrelQueenI guess we have to three "Strong" in the comments, that is me, you and Ewa.
    Yes, and I think I try to tell my children to always strive further. Don't be too content.

  17. @Anne Lyken-GarnerAnne, are you serious? You and Judy have the same answers! What a coincidence or perhaps you two are very similar?

  18. @-☼-Icy BCThose are pretty good Icy, give without expectation, I love that too.
    Kind is another good one. Both of what I would describe my SO.

  19. @Cathy KennedyTrue, girls especially have such a hard time in junior high and high school. Be an individual, it's ok- right on.

  20. @Lisa KDefinitely, find that inner self and be that person that you know.
    Caring is a great trait. It's really wonderful to have such wonderful people on this meme.

  21. @Luna MirandaThis is one that many mothers forget, I try to get my kids to love and obey grandma. Good one Luna.
    Generous is fantastic, I would love to have that title too. But I think first come to mind is strong.

  22. @ReginaI love your questions this week ;-) It is actually quite different from mine though...perhaps you've changed it? Yes, we certainly know about family feuds. Our family are very contentious about how we & the kids deal with family- just for the reason you mentioned here.

  23. @Create With JoyWhere there is a will, there is a way, and I hope my kids see that in me too. I am quite determined and persistent.
    Inspiring is great- I hope I can inspire my children, but they have to get over "oh mom" stage soon.

  24. 1. One piece of advice I would give (and have given) is be true to yourself.

    2. Awesome! ;)

    Aloha: Getting Smart

  25. Lovely Feature on Miranda.

    1. I'd say, don't live in fear because you will not have lived and always remember everything passes.

    2. I'm loyal.

    Off to visit the others. Please have a joyful weekend. *HUGS*

  26. 1) I would say "Just Do It", lame but so true in so many ways..

    2) I want them to say "She Lived", include all the aspects of life..


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