Britney Spears - Falling Star or Billboard Top 100

Guest Post From Unbreakable Mind 
3 Iconic Female Stars We Love to Hate, Really?
1. Britney Spears, 2. Kim Kardashian, 3. Lady Gaga

Britney Spears - the once teen pop phenomena turned psycho mom turned trashy and washed-out, was born again with catchy beats. Of course we would love to hate her. She is such an easy target. Someone who willingly shaves off all their hair because of a nervous breakdown should automatically be deemed emotionally unstable.
We watched her life unfold as she lost custody of her children and the countless tabloids slammed her as unfit, unworthy, unsuitable. Then again, we only know what we are shown through the media. Nevertheless, the media has not forgotten about Britney Spears. When Britney was caught out buying her cell phone accessories along was a mop of paparazzi. If you want to see what it is like for Britney to even go out to a store, see this video on YouTube

britney spears performing

She was a falling star that imploded, making it so effortless to discredit her every move. But she has consistently brought countless songs to the billboard top 100 and she has continued to be in the public eye, reeling in millions of dollars. People have not all fell out of love with Britney Spears, even with all the crazy stuff we heard about her in the past few years, she keeps on with the fine life from the royalties of her music.

It’s like they say, even if people aren’t saying good things about you, the fact that they are still talking means you meant something to them. If you have ever watch the movie Chicago, you know that it isn't easy for movie stars to be on the front page all the time. For Britney, even stories about her and how many different cell phones she has is worth talking about. See this post, where ever there is a photo of Britney, she has a cell phone And I am sure it isn't about how she neatly stored them in cell phone leather cases. It's more about what Britney owns is the "in" thing and anything Britney - people wants to know.

Stay tune for Kim Kardashian and Lady Gaga


  1. Not a huge Britney Spears fan, but I do have to admit that some of her music is catchy and I like to run to it.

    Following from the blog hop, and would love a comment here and a follow!

  2. the title is so true. i hate lady gaga but i listen to her songs. hahahaha

  3. I'm not a fan but I do sort of feel sorry for here. Trying to live in the public eye has got to take a toll.

  4. I think there are so many more admirable women in the world...lots of bloggers, for example...including you, Miss Amanda!

  5. I think Britney has proved that she is over that life of craziness and instability. It's unfortunate that she has lost so much (family and fans) but I think she's doing great at her comeback.

    Just came by through the Alexa Hop! I always love stopping through and reading

  6. I love her comeback songs as well..and the fact that she managed a comeback is a sure shot sign of a strong woman inside her petite personality. Reading your post reminds me of her song "Piece Of Me".

  7. I like Britney's songs, and never knew how she keeps making the top 100, but she does. I also think she is one of the people who has created her own voice...and being original is hard to come by.

  8. Love Lady Gaga, New follower from the hop.


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