PetCareRx for Your Pets

I have always thought that a fish is a pet. More so than any other pets, but some might argue that they don’t consider fish are pets. My rational is that a pet should be something enjoyable yet carefree, and what other pet are as care free as fish? "Our" fish is really my daughter’s. She feeds it, and talks to it, and I take care of it. The fish we had before didn’t last very long. A week or two and they all gave up on us.

I wish we knew about PetCareRx. It is an online discount pet medication pharmacy. They carry products for dog, cat, turtle, or fish to make their life healthier. I am afraid that this fish will give out soon, and I wish she doesn’t because she has lasted longer than any other fish we ever had before.

Even with the internet and all the information available on fish, I still think it is important to have a place to buy fish vitamins, or fish medicine. I believe all pets have different needs and we need help caring for them.

I remember we used to have a lot of pets while I was a little kid. My favorite was Lulu – our dog. Even though I was a bit scared of his size, he was the best. He was loyal and such a loving dog. He got really sick and we didn’t know what was happening to him. Had we known about the Interceptor, Lulu could have lived much longer.

if there were Interceptors back then, it could have treated Lulu. It is a monthly prescription medication that treats dogs or cats for heartworm disease, whipworm, roundworm, and hookworm. The Interceptor will treat hookworms, remove and control roundworms and whipworms in dogs - all of which we had no idea that Lulu might have had back then.
Anyhow, now I resort to fish for the time being until one day when I have time to really on caring for a dog.


  1. There is so much to learn before getting a pet. I love this idea though.

    And yes fishes are pets :) yes...kinda..yes!

  2. My little dog was stolen but we still have our cat, and it is good to know how to care for them.


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