Walgreens has always come through for me. I enjoy shopping there, especially during emergencies, because they always have what I need. Walgreens' pharmacy is a great place to get medicine. The one by my house even have a drive through. It is very convenient for winter days and late night picks up when your kids are sick and you're running out in your pajamas!
Walgreens offered Express Scripts, but that isn't true anymore. For the past year, Walgreens and Express Scripthave tried to negotiate for Walgreens to stay in the program. However, the negotiation were not successful.
Many patients with certain prescription insurance plans managed by Express Scripts are impacted. Clients not having Express Scripts may see a rise in costs and no savings. However, because Walgreens wants to continue to help cut costs for their customers, they are offering special discounts for members who sign up for Walgreens Prescription Savings Club. An individual can join during a special January promotion for only $5, or $10 for a family membership, and receive savings on more than 8,000 brand name and all generic medications.
If you like Walgreens like I do, you can support them in a couple of ways, now is the time to like Walgreens on Facebook and follow Walgreens on Twitter
Thanks so much for stopping by! I was already following thru GFC but did follow on RSS Feed just in case that is the new "GFC". Already was following on Facebook too. Did not see G+ so could not follow there. Again, thanks so much for coming by and have a great Sunday!
I love Walgreens. They are so courteous.
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