Release Stress with Humor at

I didn’t quite get into watching the show Friends when they were on, it was because I didn’t exactly have the time or free at the time the show came on. But whenever I was able to watch it I really enjoyed the feeling. The humor was uplifting.

Lately, I have been following How I Met Your Mother, a comedy show with a group of friends, when I can. But again, I don’t always have time to sit through the entire show.

I’ve realized something very important through the process of watching these episodes, I found a way to release stress through feeding my mind with some humor. I might be the only person realizing this so late in life, and it took me this long because I never really slow down long enough before to watch TV.

Now, I don’t need to wait or slow down to catch a little humor. I can fill my life with the funny autocorrect humor instantly with photos and videos. That’s right, at times when a quick view of duckface was just what I needed, other times a Photoshop Fail photo have me flat out laughing so hard I have a tummy ache. When my mind is going a mile a minute I need a little distraction. Just shifting my thoughts away from the same subject I have been working on for hours is a great way to refresh.

Thanks for stopping by today.
Six Words Saturday, image credit


  1. To live in a world like the friends show would be quite cool...until it was time to get married!

    1. Yes. I always wish to have a group of friends like that. They seemed to have the tightest bond.

  2. Great quick releases! DYAC is one of my favorite sites. And I've recently been watching How I Met Your Mother on Netflix. I'd never watched and I've streamed from the start to the middle of season six. That show makes me so happy!

    Thanks for playing 6WS!

    1. Yes, they are pretty funny aren't they? I am done with season six tonight. Oh my god, what will I do now? "-)


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