5 Easy to Grow Succulents

Listed below are five succulents that are popular in our area. If you know them, you will see some familiar ones like Aloe. I have Aloe in my yard and used it on acne, rashes, and skin scrapes. Depending on the wound, they work so much better than the topical medicine you can buy in the stores.

1) Aeonium arboreum "Schwartzkopf" is a selected form of the green Aeonium arboreum. This plant from the Canary Islands is a popular house plant and often used as a feature plant in summer bedding. It is not frost hardy. New plants are easily started from cuttings of individual rosettes. The plant is monocarpic so a flowering rosette will inevitably die.

2) Kalanchoe daigremontiana (Bryophyllum daigremontiana)
Common names: Alligator Teardrop Plant, Flea Plant, mother of thousands.
An easily grown Kalanchoe for a sunny window ledge. Small plant-lets form on the serrated leaf margins, drop off, and grow in any nearby plant pot. A large plant produces a cluster of orange flowers, which should be cut off after the flower is finished or the plant will die.

3) Kalanchoe Luciae
Common names: Flapjack Plant
A choice plant for a sunny position in a frost-free climate. In the shade, the leaves will go a boring green. This species tends to color up naturally in full sun, but there is a particularly red cultivar called "Red Flapjack". The rather similarly shaped Kalanchoe thrysiflora has glaucous green leaves with a farinose coating, but the two species are often confused in the horticultural trade. An almost indestructible Kalanchoe that propagates by forming plant-lets on leaf lips. These drop off and root in any nearby plant pot, so it is almost impossible to lose the clone. This plant grows up to 5 ft tall and produces an attractive cluster of orange flowers at the top of its stem.

4) Aloe are spiky and fleshy leaved, grown mainly for the foliage effects of the speckled, splashed and spotted leaves with typical soft teeth along the edges of them. In the right conditions, they'll surprise you with their flowers which form on an excessively long stalk. Plant these in combination in a great patio container such as a strawberry pot, or singly in terracotta pots so you can mix and match the textures and colors. These plants are not cold hardy, so need to be kept indoors in the winter. They require bright light for the winter months, in either a sunny window, or under fluorescent grow lights on a timer.

Outside for the summer months, they'll love full sun on your patio or deck, but don't mind a bit of shade in the afternoon. Aloe Collection Get ready to be swarmed by hummingbirds if you're lucky enough to have them bloom as they're one of the best plants for hummingbirds.

5) Crassula
Succulent Plants for the Discerning Collector - not just Jade Plants any more. There are many Crassula; the ubiquitous Jade Tree is only the beginning. Crassula species and varieties cover the complete size range from tiny ground covers to giant trees. Most of the Crassula we see outside of their natural habitat as succulent house plants are the smaller ground covers to shrub sized species. Crassula ovata or Crassula argentea, sometimes also called the Jade Tree, is the most commonly grown, and most people have had the green puffy leafed houseplant survive in stuffy dorm rooms, dark libraries or a back bedroom.

Thanks for stopping by today.

References: http://www.drought-smart-plants.com/aloe-succulent-plants.html#axzz1myE6JxQT


  1. The only surefire succulent I grow is Ghost Plant (graptopetalum). Oh, and sedum acre.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. The only surefire succulent I grow is Ghost Plant (graptopetalum). Oh, and sedum acre.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. i love the, i have all of them at home, but did not know aloes can be good in acne, oh thanks so much for the info, now, I can't wait to go outside and take some aloes and put it on my face.

  4. The Kalanchoe flowers I saw at the store are beautiful.

  5. Oh I think I made a mistake, as I was not all done commenting, and it got published :-) My brain is not working this morning.

    Anyway, I would love to grow some of these, and this information is so good to know.

  6. Living where I am it is hard to grow anything when summer is over, and there is no sun. My kitchen window ledge is full.

    Thanks for this info, I might try to add one or two more to my window ledge :-)

  7. I will have to give these a try. Thanks for this post.

  8. You have an excellent collection. I have just a couple of them.
    Great info given.

  9. Wonderful variety of plants.

  10. I love succulents and they can survive the coldest winter and the hottest sun - I've got Kalanchoe, Aloe and Crassula on my balcony :) Thank you for leaving a comment on my red tulips :)

  11. Very interesting post about the succulents in your area and good shots.

  12. They're easy to grow, but don't like cold weather one bit. I had a few of them die on me through the years. I've still got those tiny green ones in the picture. I don't know how they've survived.

  13. I have never seen an Aloe plant bloom and my mom grew one for many years. Some interesting information here!

  14. Great and interesting post!
    I have an Aloe plant in my kitchen window.
    It's to cold to grow them outside here.

  15. Lovely succulents. Thanks for the guidance :)

  16. I grow a Christmas cactus and a jade plant. I have to grow them indoors. I have a few kalanchoes but I seem to kill them in a short time.

  17. I remember sharing the goodness of Aloe with my husband when he came to my country.
    I would love to grow it here.


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