Happy Mother's Day! Pink and White Swirl Rose

Pink and White Rose Swirls - Happy Mother's Day!

This is the first Mother's Day that I am the only mother in the house. It feels different in a good way. For some reason, for years having to celebrated Mother's Day for my mother never made me feel like I am the head of the family, but just a daughter, a youngster. Not having my mother around this year made me grow up fast and all of the sudden.
I can think of a whole lot of ways to celebrate Mother's Day, first a day to doddle and just slow down, second a few hours to visit the Wholesale Dealer would be a nice, and third some pampering such as a massage or manicure will top the weekend off just fine.
Thanks for stopping by today. Post linked to: Pink Saturday, Today's Flowers


  1. so pretty, happy Mother's Day to you too, Amanda.

  2. Lovely peppermint striped roses!
    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  3. Gorgeous rose photos! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, dearest..

    (I am the reverse situation of yours this year!)

  4. Simply beautiful! Happy Mother's Day!

  5. Happy Mother's Day. It would be wonderful to be a part of Seasonal Sundays. You might be interested in my $100.00 Give Away.

    - The Tablescaper

  6. Happy late mother's day to you, Amanda. We celebrate it here in March. I know what you mean about being the only mother in the house. It gives you a different perspective. All of a sudden, mother's day is all about you and not about you looking out for someone else. I know this sounds a bit mean, but it's the truth. I've sent you an email about the release of my inspirational memoir.

  7. So pretty, they look like peppermint candy. This was my first mother's day without kids or grandkids around. Probably just as well I didn't feel good and couldn't have taken care of anyone and anyway my daughter and daughter in law have little ones in arms requiring every ounce of their energy, So hope they got to be queen for the day:)

  8. I totally get this.
    I'm glad you had your day of realization.



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