Music is Soul Food

Many of our friends who have kids around Trinity's age have the same concerns. They want to give their children the gift of music. Yet, we all struggle with the same dilemma, what to start the kids with. When I think about how I got started with my music lessons, I think if it wasn't for my parents I would not have ask to learn it by myself.

They went out of their way to get a Steinway Rental. It was unbelievable what my parents give for their children. Not only they had given us extras, but they made sure all of my siblings went to private school or better, boarding school or seminaries. At that time, going to a catholic seminary is the best type of education one can get in a third world country. Even though we are better off now than my parents were, I am not sure if I could stomach that much giving. Could it be that the circumstances back then forced them to feel that way about education? Or, could it be that they are just that way? My dad was especially fanatic about top tier education. It didn’t matter how much the cost, he will get it for his children. God bless his soul. In a couple of days it would be his Birthday. Happy Birthay Daddy. I am thinking of you.


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  1. Parents do that: giving even when they have pretty much nothing left to give!

    All of my children learn music from listening to it and from school. It's truly soul food.

    1. True. You remind me of the Giving Tree. I should buy the book for you as gift.

  2. I dearly love piano music. I wish I could play. When I was growing up that was never an option. I was born during the depression days.

    1. Kids now have so much more advantages, but then, there are so much more expectations too.

  3. You are so lucky to have such a loving and supportive parents!

  4. It sounded like your dad was a good man. I am glad he was able to provide you with an excellent education.

    I wish we had more options for music education here, but with all of the school funding cuts, music is usually the first to go. It's sad!

    1. Same here about the school. Everything now is pay, and pay. These lessons are to be paid for, not free in school.

  5. Happy birthday to your father.
    I definitely understand their inspiration. They wanted the best and better for your lives.

    And I do want so bad to give my children the gift of music too.


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