10 Ways to Stay Focused Self Checks - Thursday Two Questions #122

A recent dilemma for me is the inability to stay focused. It just started a few weeks ago and it has gotten me really worried. I know what I have to do, but as soon as I sat down in front of my computer, all the reasons why I sat down in the first place disappeared quickly from my mind. I am not sure why...SO thinks it is age. I thought it could be because I am bored, not interested, or have found more interesting ways to spend my time. Yet, assessing from last week's distractions, I can assure you most them were not interesting, or worth the time spent.

I am happiest when I am producing. Accomplishments are one of my drives to live. So not being able to focus has been depressing me. I searched online for ways to stay focused, and would like to share them with you today. I started with the article from wikihow.com, (the link is below). The starred ones are from the article, but had been rewritten (reworded) by me. The non-starred ones are my contributions and are ways that I have used over and over again for myself when I get distracted.

10 Ways to Stay Focused Self Checks
*1) Make sure your desk is uncluttered. Clear-out the items that could distract you from your work.
2) Write down your tasks / goals and make sure they can be checked off, or erased. Measurable.
3) Prioritize your tasks. Divide them into categories if necessary. It will eliminate repetition, if any exist.
*4) Clarify your goals / tasks and remember the driving force. Why did you want to do it in the first place?
5) Know how long each task will take and set a time limit for it.
*6) Exercise your will power! Don't stray from the tasks.
*7) Repeat your "focus mantra." Live it, smell it, and work towards it everyday.
8) Reward yourself. A little treat now and then helps perhaps a delicious cup of Frappuccino?
9) Get adequate rest. People tend to focus better when they have enough sleep.
*10) Procrastination is the thief of time. Avoid delaying since it will only steal your time from other goals.

So what do you think of these items?

Here are Self Sagacity's Thursday Two Questions Meme #122
1) What do you do to stay focused?
2) Do use any of the items, or have suggestions for a new one?

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For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and those who humbles himself will be exalted. Forgive my failures and omissions and draw me closer to you.


  1. Amanda, what a great post and useful suggestions. While I should be doing all of these things, I am not.

    My problem is that I don't stay focused on the things I should be doing but I do stay focused on the fun stuff :)

    My biggest problem is procrastination. I fill my desk with notes of the tasks I need to take care of and basically look at the pile and say to myself "I'll do it tomorrow."

    My Mom always told us "don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today." I should take her advice more often.

    1. Procrastination is a tough one to get over. It seemed that we all are guilty of it somewhat, especially when it isn't fun or exciting.
      I am actually the opposite, I don't know how to procrastinate for the most part. For me to procrastinate means that I worked twice as hard, since I think about it all the time.

  2. Amanda, I find that I try to pack too much into my day and end up suffering from lack of sleep which can cause grogginess. I love lists - so have to agree with that one and in fact would say you have a good list. Certain things can cause brain fog and some of them are nutritional; some emotional. One of my medications cause grogginess. Clutter; emotional and physical is very distracting also.

    Hugs and have some sage or rosemary tea with lemon.

    1. Sounds good. I don't drink tea, but might have to. I am so guilty of lack of sleep or not regular sleep. While many of these things didn't bother me when I was young, it does now.

  3. Good article Amanda. I try to get smaller projects out of the way first, that reduces a lot of clutter on my desk. Also it frees up my mind to concentrate on the larger task at hand. If I take a break about half way through it makes the task seem a little shorter.

    1. Judy, when I am very distracted and want to feel like I've accomplished something, I usually attack the small projects to cross off the list and like you said to make room for other bigger projects.

  4. #1 all the way. The fastest way for me to lose focus is to concentrate more on clutter. When the clutter is clear, my mind is clear!

    1. what happens when my mind is full of clutter? It's not physical but only mental. I need to clean up my mind first then, huh?

  5. I have a to do list, monthly goals which I revise monthly. They do help me to get focused

    1. I have lists and goals, but I sometimes choose to ignore them. :0

  6. Staying focused can be challenging. I think one reason why we lose our attention is because of too many distractions. It has nothing to do with age, but just how busy we are. Our minds are constantly whirling with "I have to do this, this, & this" and it's easy to get side tracked.

    The one way I am able to keep focused is to maintain a routine. For instance, I work on my blog first thing, then I do some house chores, exercise, more house chores, ...If time permits for more fun stuff on the net then I feel my day has not only been full, but fulfilling because I kept myself in line with what I wanted to accomplish. Life is all about balances and checks. Definitely prioritizing your to-dos is a huge help and it's a grand to jot your tasks down some place where it's visible throughout the day. I have a big dry erase board where I make my list. It works perfect for me.

    Thanks for hosting another week, and for sharing your newly discovered tips for keeping one focused. Have a joyful day!

    1. Awesome! I believe in routines too. They help to keep us inline. I know having Trinity in school helps me with managing my time, without her going to school, I get lazy about most things.

  7. Some really nice points there! I agree that if we have a goal in mind and we know how much time we have to achieve it then we become focussed on the job. Also keeping the work area clean is important. When I cant focus on something I just try to take some time off and relax. Then I get back with renewed energy.
    Have a lovely day Amanda :)

    1. time on the internet goes by fast! To accomplish certain things we must set time limits so that we don't spend too much time on one item.

  8. They all fantastic tips!

    I have the same problem as Jo, procrastination is my biggest enemy, and knowing that doesn't help either! I'm tired all the time now, so my excuse is always "I will do that tomorrow when I don't have to run around!" But when it comes to take care of mom's businesses, it always get done first!

    1. procrastination is not me, I wouldn't know what that means. yet perhaps I am doing it and not even realizing.

  9. I do hope you are able to get back on track. Are you stressed in anyway that is not normal? That could be it or some health issue.

    Ooh I have to write things down because I like to tell myself I'll remember and stay the course. nope. I'll forget and wish I had.

    So I write things down!

    But that doesn't always keep me focus. Guilt and deadlines do :)

    1. could just be too much clutter, not enough completeness. when there is no closure, all the tasks just linger as incomplete.

  10. Interesting. When I have trouble settling down I just start on something small even if it isn't the most important thing - just doing something gets me started and often I'll get to the real stuff soon enough. I suspect I am a bit of a pressure junkie - I like to work to a deadline. Have a good week.

    1. You're right, this is what I try to do too. It really helps, and it is a way to get little encouragements too.

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  12. Great tips! I procrastinate really hard when it comes to doing things that I don't want to do like studying for my exams. Stopping it is key!

  13. What exactly is "your focus mantra"? Seems like a interesting word. I also like point 1 about not having clutter around your desk, this can really help to be more focused.


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