Orange Dahlias

Peach - Orange Dahlia is one of the many colors of Dahlias in my garden this summer. Here are the others: Purple and White DahliasWhite Dahlias, Dinner Plate Pink Dahlias

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and those who humbles himself will be exalted. Forgive my failures and omissions and draw me closer to you.


  1. Beautiful color of this dahlia! You're growing them in all colors?

  2. Not all, I have now what has survived from the summer that I bought a bunch in different colors. They are pretty healthy now.

  3. Beautiful flowers. I also like your bible quote. It's a great reminder.

  4. They are gorgeous, and the color is so lovely to see!

  5. Oh my, these are gorgeous photos and such a pretty color. Thanks for sharing.

  6. They are gorgeous! So glad you have fresh flowers to tend to!

  7. Such a soft and pretty color! You are really inspiring me to plant dahlias in the garden this year!

  8. the dahlia is smiling beautifully, i have not tried planting dahlias at home, it is so beautiful, definitely would be a good addition

  9. Your flowers are stunning Amanda - and I love the Bible verse you shared!
    Have a wonderful day and thank you for joining us at Wordless Wednesday at Create With Joy! :-)

  10. Beautiful flowers, nice color.
    Marit from Norway.

  11. Beautiful! They look like sunshine! Blessings to you from Come link up there if you have time!

  12. What a beautiful colour! Enjoy the rest of your day.

  13. Gorgeous captures!! Love the colour!

    Happy WW!

  14. Yes i love dahlia, but our climate is to dry and hot for them, they easily succumb to aphids and powdery mildew.

  15. Gorgeous! I love this shade and the details.

  16. They seem beautiful! I can feel a whiff of fresh scent coming from them! Have a lovely day :)

  17. I cannot grow dahlias but I love to look at them - my late father in law grew them and every time I see one I picture him with his garden hose faithfully watering them - they are a nice memory for me :) BTW, been cleaning up my "subscriptions" and came by to see if you were still up and running - glad you are!! :) Happy New Year!

  18. I love this shade of orange. The Dahlia is quite an interesting plant!

  19. Orange dahlias are in full bloom and you have captured them beautifully. Beautiful post


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