The last few years, my brother bought fresh (fresh like three days from picking) rambutan from Florida, and sent them to my mom. After we ate all the delicious fresh rambutan, I took the seeds and started them in water. I was able to grow the seeds into little plants, but soon fell into a spell of chaos /got busy and neglected them. They died of course because I couldn't take care of them, but at least I know I can start them from seeds. I've started mangoes from seeds, and canary date palms from seeds. I love propagating and starting new plants, I could very well be a planter, how about you?
Here are Self Sagacity's Thursday Two Questions #131
1) What do you know about rambutan fruit? Have you eaten one before?
2) Have you ever try to start growing any fruits from seeds before? How did you do?
Well my answer to both is no and no :) It looks interesting but I have never had it before.
ReplyDeleteThat's fine, that means that you've learned something new today. Whether you wanted to or not. It tastes like logan, probably another fruit that you might not know about.
DeleteI love rambutans!
ReplyDeleteI love when they are fresh.
DeleteNever ever heard of it. Tell me more. I discovered blue potatoes and sent for the seeds which we grew in Jeannie's garden. We ate them this year and now I have some growing in my window. I kill more things than I grow but sometimes get lucky. I get too busy.
ReplyDeleteI love the purple yams, and trying to figure out how to grow them. I would love to have some healthy big yams or potatoes in my yards for the picking.
DeleteHi Amanda ~~ I learned some things tonight.
ReplyDelete1) What do you know about rambutan fruit? Have you eaten one before?
For one thing I had never heard about rambutan fruit so for sure I didn't eat one.
2) Have you ever try to start growing any fruits from seeds before? How did you do? My mom used to grow tomatoes (yes, they are fruit) from seeds for a later harvest. The early harvest was grown from hot house plants. We grew a pineapple from a seed but threw it away as it was nasty and we were told those from seeds would never have fruit.
Neither Mrs. Jim nor I have a green thumb.
I can grow most things, but orchids don't last that long in my care. They all start out good, then just die slowly.
DeleteRambutan fruit is quite common here in Singapore. It's quite sweet.
ReplyDelete1) Yes, I have. Rambutant is so sweet and delicious!
ReplyDelete2) I haven't tried growing any fruit tree because of the weather, and don't have enough land..But I might start with lemon tree in a container this year..
Doubly no to both questions. I take that back. It seems like when I was a little girl, I helped my daddy dry watermelon seeds for planting, but I don't recall how that turned out. It's fun to watch anything grow, but like you I just don't seem to have time to devote to the TLC plants require. I guess I'm better off to buy my fruit and veggies. Thanks for hosting T2Q!
ReplyDeleteThey are sweet fruit. A sweet treat. I can't remember when was the last time I had them. Now where can I find me some of these.
ReplyDeleteI'm quite a good gardener, but I haven't heard of or seen these before. What do they taste like? The flesh looks a bit like coconuts.
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of these! They sound tasty though. I am not a planter. I am thankful for supermarkets, otherwise, I would starve lol.
ReplyDeleteWe have a lot of them here, so they already have them in Florida, i didn't know that. Yes you can start most fruits from seeds, just that they wont be behaving or tasting like their parents. Hybridization carries characteristics from the parents, which we lessen by asexual propagation. How do you do the asexual propagation? hehe i should have made a post for the questions, but i don't have time.
ReplyDeleteI do not know this fruit but I'd love to try it! I'm always game for new food adventures.
ReplyDeleteAnd I haven't yet grown any fruits from seeds. Now that you mention it, I think I'll try with the kids.
Happy Thursday!
I love these my grandma calls them fuzzy nuts
ReplyDeletehaha. That name is totally appropriate. I love Rambutan because I don't get them often enough. In VietNam, they are the sweetest fruit to devour on a hot day, the flowing juice really quenched your thirst. Thanks for stopping by.
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