Repent in Extreme Cold Weather? Thursday Two Questions #133

The third day into our Michigan visit, we (Trinity) got a little stir crazy in the house. I would never have thought of going out in the Michigan weather, but dear brother suggested the park.
Well, Trinity heard it and there was no swallowing back those words. Brother ended up not going...see how he is much brighter in ideas? Haha.
I didn't mind it at all. I had rented a car so that I can be independent and not have to rely on someone for entertainment.

I drove grandma and Trinity to a park close by. We walked through the cold windy air towards the play structures and told ourselves that we will get use to it. Once Trinity starts moving around and play, she won't even notice. Ha! True. She didn't, but I did. Oh My Gosh! Within five minutes, I had enough of the torture. The cold wind blew right through four layers of tank, t-shirt, sweater, and coat. My face got a nice freeze, it might even felt like a facelift, tight and stretched. My lips couldn't open, and not that I even wanted to. All the warm air would have left me, and we didn't want that. It was so cold! I looked at the car and if I didn't have to tend to my mom and Trinity, I would have been in the driver seat already. But, I had to suck-it-up, yes, I had to talk myself into forgetting the pain that was attacking my skin. I tried to let Trinity play for as long as I could stand the cold, and counting every minute. After more or less 20 minutes, I thought it was enough time that she got a taste of sliding and hanging on the monkey bars, I was ready to run to a warm fire and bundle-up.

I told myself to remember that if I ever wanted to repent for my sins, all I have to do is go to Michigan and stand in the cold like today. It would be such a torture for me, that God would know I am serious about repenting would forgive the sins I might have committed.
Now, I know some people would feel the same way about the heat, but boy, I think I could stand heat over cold. What about you?

Here are Self Sagacity's Thursday Two Questions #133
1) Name the coldest place you ever lived or visited?
2) If given the choice of hot or cold, which would you pick? (warm is perfect, but not a choice here ;-))

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  1. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Yours is great. I'm thinking about joining your meme... maybe I'll see you soon. Take care....xo

    1. Thanks for the compliment. I love blogging, maybe too much. :-)

  2. Will my link stay this time?

    I have lived in Indiana - was stationed there when I studied military journalism and that winter seemed worse than ours but is probably equal. I was also stationed in Alabama during the summer and hated the heat. I think heat is worse but not by much. People kept passing out. I love spring and fall best.

    1. Yes. Indiana is cold. I am just a wimp to extreme coldness. Me too, spring and fall are the ideal weather. :-)

  3. The coldest place which I have been is snowy mountains in Melbourne when I went skiing with my friends while studying in the Uni

  4. Oh sister, I feel for you, and sorry that you have to take that kind of torture...

    The coldest place I've lived in is Michigan..

    I would rather have it hot than freezing! There should be a median some where on this earth :-)

    1. CA is pretty close to perfect. In CA when you see us playing in the snow, the temperature is actually in the 60's or something like that, not 20's. :-)

  5. Glad I stopped by, this post is funny in the aspect, that all I could think about was my two boys wanting to go out and play in the dead of the cold. You are good, lol, I have yet to do it. I live in the Windy City - Chicago, and when it gets cold, it gets COLD. In regards to hot or cold, I can't pick...I don't like either.

    1. Chicago is another cold place...brrrr. I have to say it is not ideal cold nor hot. Can't blame you for not being able to choose.

  6. Sorry, Amanda, that you got cold. We don't visit MidWestern relatives in the winter or during tornado season. Our granddaughter, age three, lives in London, U.K. It is cold and damp there but the kid loves to go to the park during any type weather.

    1a. I lived in Nebraksa where it got into the minus 20's most every winter. We had country school even during blizzards as the teacher roomed next door to the school. Dad would take us in a horse and wagon like cart then.

    1b. This January we went to the U.S. Anartic Expidition headquarters in New Zealand. We went through their Anartic Simulator and they produced a blizzard for us. We were all bundled up for that adverse weather.

    2. Mrs. Jim and I live in the Texas Gulf Coast region where it seldom even gets to freezing on most winter days and often the temps are in the upper 60's and into the 70's. Still better weather would be nicer.

    1. I glad my post is rounding up a list of states to stay away from! No Nebraska for me. I think 60's and 70's is ideal to me. I am packing my bags. LOL.

  7. I know, we are so spoiled here in coastal CA, when it is in 80's, we complain it is TOO HOT, when it is in 50's, we complain it is TOO cold, we are spoiled by 60-70's temps, haha, and playing in snow in 60s is my favorite thing to do. Coldest I been I think was at Mono Lake in Eastern Sierra, though had been out in Bryce Canyon at -17F and was hiking, but it didn't feel as cold since it was not as windy, but at Mono Lake, it was like only 13F, but it felt sooooo cold, BUT, we stayed out for more than an hour all for the name of "taking photos"

  8. I considered the park and opted out almost instantly, lol.

    The coldest place I've ever lived is Michigan. I prefer hot.

  9. Hey! Nice to meet you and popping over from My Life As Lucille. Can't wait to have a look around. ;-)

  10. I live right on the Michigan/Indiana line, so I know all about the cold! If I had to choose, I would much rather sweat to death than freeze to death, for sure!

  11. Haha so no warm choice eh. I'd choose cold. At least I can layer on and warm up. Hot is just miserable. Just like cold! Both can kill you. Gosh no dice eh.

    Glad you got to visit family, but yes that kinda cold would leave me staying in the car!!

  12. I'm definitely a hot weather person. I hate the cold, even though I live in England where it's always cold. I would probably hate Michigan because of the cold. I'm in LA at the moment and the weather is fine.

  13. It will not easy for me either, but this summer we move back to Michigan.
    Happy WW.
    Thanks for link up at my blog.
    Have a nice day.


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