I never said that I wasn't weird. We all are weird in our own ways right? But not anything like my sister in-law...she is the extremist in weird. Sister-in-law told my mother that if you leave the citrus fruit out for a long while, the skin will get thinner. Well, now I am hearing that from my mother all the time, and it drives me crazy. OK, that was "really" why I wanted to put all those "weird" verbiage out there. Sometimes mom will leave fruits sitting on the counter for a long time until they become unappetizing because she wants the skin to thin-out, like sister-in-law said. OK, that is when it really drives me super crazy.

I haven't experimented, but I rather have fresh fruits, and don't want to risk letting them go rotten. What you see in this post is half of the sister-in-law story: I didn't leave my tangerines out, but they were in the fridge for a good two weeks. The point is just look at the skin of the tangerine below, as thin as my fingernail. My fingernails are paper thin and I keep them short. See the thumb below? That is my thumb, and the nail length is too long already, the other thumb? All chewed up from overworking because it got too long.

Back to the fruit, the tangerines were left on the tree for a long time purposely so that the skin can thin out. They do, and this is what I get now. These tangerines were good for picking in February, but because we can't consume them all, so we just leave them there until we are ready to eat them. They get sweeter by the day too. And that is the only reason and only way I like to leave my fruits for a long time, on the tree. Smiles.

 Here are Self Sagacity's Thursday Two Questions #151
1) Do you know if leaving your citrus fruit out will cause the skin to be thinner?
 Supposedly, you can do this with grapefruits, oranges, pomelos.
2) Do the citrus fruit go bad if you leave them out for a long time?
 I have only seen them become wrinkled and hurry to consume them.

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