Support Therapy Stockings Save My Legs

Do you spend a large portion of your day standing or walking? Long term standing can increase your risk of getting varicose veins. Approximately half of the population that is over the age of 50 have varicose veins. Vein problems are not restricted to a certain age group. In general, approximately 50% of women and 40% of men have some type of vein problem. These issues can cause considerable discomfort.

One way to reduce the risk of getting varicose veins is to wear support hose. This type of hose and another product called compression stockings help the circulation in your legs. They can also reduce swelling and general leg discomfort. If you put these specialty hose on in the morning and wear them throughout the day, your legs will not feel as tired in the evening.

When you decide on your own or are advised by a doctor to wear some type of compression leg wear because of vein or circulation issues, you'll want to find a source such as to purchase your hose or compression stockings from. It's always good to find a company such as this that offers a wide selection of compression garments and stockings so that you can repeatedly order the items you know work for you. If the time comes when you need a custom sized garment, it's nice to know that you can order it from a company you are familiar with.


  1. I do have to wear support hose occasionally. I've had issues in the past where my blood vessels burst in my legs, and when that happens, I whip out the support hose until it's all healed up.

    1. It sounds very painful. I can't imagine you going through it - so young? I guess age doesn't matter. I am glad you had the support hose handy.

  2. Wow. I didn't know they'd have things like these.
    This is very good, esp for us working moms :)

    1. It's really great to have the leg support, don't you think? I like that they are thinking for women. :-)

  3. I've seen firsthand how important these kind of support socks can be for a family member. Sometime you just have to have this to keep your circulation working right.

    1. If many of our moms know, they would not have those veins and the pain they suffered.

  4. I don't seem to have a problem with my veins yet, but have other problems with my legs that support hose would help

    1. I think at some point we all should be using the support hose or bandage to help ease the tension and pressure on our legs.

  5. My husband could use something like this. Do you know if there's a men's variety?

    1. I would check on their website. Speaking of which I believe the black support is for both sexes.

  6. I am suffering from pains in my legs, no one (doctors) told me about this. I had no idea there are support therapy stockings until I saw this post on FB!

    1. Sorry to hear about your troubles Debbie. I can understand, as sometimes most doctors refer to prescription as a resolution. So I am glad you were able to read about the therapy stockings! Hope it works for you.

  7. I used to scoff at compression stockings until I tried them and realized how effective they really are. I actually felt like I had more energy and I wasn't so worn down after working all day. I swear by them now and urge everyone to at least try them once and see for themselves.

    1. So true, I also felt the same way, as it is such a bothersome. But, that's what most young people think until they have the same problem, then it isn't as bothersome as pain anymore. (o)


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