I discreetly conducted an opinion poll on "Why Do Older Women Seek Younger Men?" For better understanding of the survey, the demographic targeted were women of 35 years and older. As for the younger men, the range was between 25 and 35 years old. The demographic were from different lifestyle and occupation. Moreover, there were single women, women who have been in relationships with younger men, and women who are married but gave reasons to why they would seek younger men if they did.
These women are not all unhappy in their relationships. Women are generally known to be the nurturing sex of humans. Most women I know, my sisters, my friends, my relatives, and even my sister- in-laws, have been paired up with some lesser human beings, men (in terms of caring and nurturing). The women always have to think for every activity, prepare for every meal, and clean-up the mess. Yet men thinks nothing of jumping on that sofa, or bed to watch TV, or surf the internet. They rather retreat to their man caves and tune out the rest of the family. You know what I mean?
After sorting the responses, I chose the points that were most popular from the question: “why do you think women seek younger men?” Popular also means that more than one person have this experience or thought. The majority is the general rule of thumb for the outcome below. Perhaps some of us can relate to the reasoning, but perhaps you have your own conclusion of why you think Women Seek Younger Men. In that case, I would love to hear from you, please share with us by leaving your thoughts in the comment form below.
* Older Men Are Not As Active
Somehow the male species are totally fine with doing nothing, while the women work, and work, and still working in her sleep. Then at some point in their phases of being together, the men got older. Now the once vibrant young man with all the stamina in the world disappears. Meanwhile women being in their forties, typically with older children, having more time for themselves want to spend time with their mates. But the bitter truth becomes the big obstacle for him and her. Most older men have become in active or worst yet erectile dysfunction. The wonderful news is that there are cures, but the males have to admit this and work towards improvement. Most men have a hard time admitting and so, frustratingly the women seek for younger men. At this point in the women’s lives, younger men can keep-up with their sex drive, and their need for attention much better than older men.
* Older Women are Flattered When Younger Men Prefer Them over Young Females
Women have ego too. It fels good to be wanted, needed. I know this thing about being older and more confident, but there is a big part that most women, being older means being less naive. So in order for an older woman to feel good about herself, it almost has to be something drastic. A compliment almost seemed superficial, because we know who we are. Yet, being chosen over a pretty young thing for our attitude, kindness or mature beauty is just a compliment one don't easily forgotten.
Accordingly sex is not just about feeling good physically. It is about bonding and sharing intimacy. It is one of the most wonderful act and activity that a couple can share together.
* Younger Men are Eager to Please
Women seek younger men to eliminate the horrible mental play. Younger men are usually ready and willing to go and explore life. They are eager to have sex and eager to please. What would be something many older men calculate and analyze, the younger men do not. “We just want sex, and sex is healthy, it is fun! It doesn't have to be such drama.” The voice is from one group of women who are sexless in their relationships. Another group of women are generally happy with their mates, but as the males get older they become boring, timid, and always tired. They are tired all the time. Youth is amazing in that there is nothing impossible, endurance and perseverance is what youth provides. Younger men usually feel the need to get approval. They still feel the need to prove that they are good, that they can do something well. They need validation more than older men.
*The Sex is Better Physically with Younger Men
Yeah sure, it is debatable. But the bottom line is that younger men have twice the benefit of out lasting an older man and much more, shall we say, physically preferable parts. A young man can learn to behave like an older man, but an older man cannot replace his physical capabilities to be that of a younger man.
The truth for many women who have been married for a long time is that they have not experienced orgasmic pleasure with their husbands until they are with a younger man. There are many reasons why the marriage sex isn't quite as enjoyable. Long term relationship comes with deep love and memories, but it also comes with scars and resentments. As we know, there are many couples suffering from sexless relationships to the point of sadness and torture. But the contributing factor of being with a younger man is that he can spend the time in foreplay and still be able to enjoy the rest of the act with his partner. He also has no worries in the world as opposed to a husband who carries heavy loads of stress and responsibilities. Vice verse, this is why some men cheat with younger women or with their co-workers, because they don't have the reminders of all the stress and family issues.
Younger Men Have Nice Smelling Breath

*Younger Men Have a Zest for Life, More Positive Outlook on Life:
Younger men have a zest for life that older men have lost. The mental attitude & behavior of younger men is more youthful and vibrant. This can be very appealing to women who are not "mentally old". The zest for life and living is one of the most attractive assets any man or woman can bring to the relationship. The zest for life includes more initiative to live life and enjoy life, and more initiative for intimacy. The point is that, one normally doesn't seek - unless you are just a cheater, unless there is a reason to seek. While cheating is such a horrible thing, cheating with a younger man can be intimidating as well. You know the guy will never want to be with you or marry you. It is just a mutual convenience. On the other hand, it is the biggest blessing if the younger men understand that there is no future and stays neutral. There are instances where women have been busted because the young lover wanted more, and vice verse, when the older women become jealous of the lover’s life that is when the fun turns into drama and broken relationships.
Here are Self Sagacity's Thursday Two Questions #161
1) Why do you think older women seek younger men?
2) Generally speaking, do you think these types of relationships are real, meaningful?
Message about Thursday Two Questions: Since I have been enjoying the shares from week to week, whether it's motivation, or tutorials, questions, recipes, or ranting from the commentators. I am open to ANYTHING you wish to link, so link-up and thanks for stopping by. Smiles
last image credit http://health.ninemsn.com.au
Amanda, I was married twice to a considerably younger man. In the beginning it was wonderful. They pursued me heartily, but once married they became like all (the ones I have been with) men; thinking their job was done at the end of the work day and it was my job to take care of bill paying, house cleaning, laundry and cooking; never mind that I had worked as many if not more hours than they did!!! I liked that a younger man was not as set in his ways, that is until we exchanged our vows.
ReplyDeleteall men seems to be wonderful in the beginning, that said, I believe women are too. Once married, there are other worries that kill the romance. the goal might be for us to find people who are 150% in the beginning, then when half of the thrill is gone, there will at least be 75% left.
DeleteThis seems to be a trend worldwide these days. I don't have any strong views for or against such relationships. I have seen some instances of it in my country and it seems as if the relationship is real as they have lasted long. However there are some that are not long lasting when the women get old as the men start seeking younger women. Thanks for hosting and have a good Thursday.
ReplyDeleteWhen there is a vast difference in age, I can see the younger person needing to change. There are many relationships that are real even with the age difference...to me the same goes for couples whose ages are not as different too. 8-)
DeleteI live somewhat of a secluded life, and I don't often wonder about what other people do..so I don't know the answers to your questions.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I believe yours points are very realistic and true..
I know you live like a nun. :-d I am sure you have your opinions, but gracefully declined to share. :d.
DeleteThanks for validating the points I chose for this article. (k)
I don't know why a mature woman would pick a younger man, really. If I were single, I would not look for a younger mate. It would creep me out way too much, especially if we're talking about someone who is half my age like you see with some celebrities. Not all older men have problems and for this I am very grateful for in mine. I think he can give the 20-something males a run for their money, if you know what I mean. *wink-wink*
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I don't know how meaning for these sorts of relationships are. I am definitely not one of authority on this topic. Personally speaking, I would be happier seeking a mate my age or older, if I were single. Thankfully, I do not have to worry about such things. I am totally blessed to be with the perfect mate who I hope to grow very, very old with.
Thanks for hosting T2Q!
You are blessed! Sounds like he is definitely one in a few millions. I am sure there are some of those, but not enough to go around as you can see...
DeleteSometimes I wanted to have a notebook to keep handy for those who are seeking, then write down the names and match them together....as some I find a misfits, miss-matched. (o)
I can agree with most of this. Younger men do have more energy and are more fun to be around. However, if Sean Connery came knocking on my door, I'd pick him over a spring chicken any day :)
ReplyDeleteI am not sure about that Theresa, he is like 83 years old! I think you are thinking he might be 60 something? How fast time flies!
Deleteoh, I am like Icy, maybe, too secluded I do not know the answer to the questions :(
ReplyDeleteI think the happy people have no opinions about any gossip...haha
Deleteoh, personally, i am more attracted to older men because I dreamed since i was young to marry Harrison Ford and be Indiana Jones partner, haha! anyway, I love my hubby, my INDY :)
ReplyDeleteYes. Older men like are like older technology...haha. They are good, they store a lot of memories, but they slow down...
DeleteYet, if you compare them with wine, they are better as they age. haha
I think it's probably a matter of the people involved. That being said, my son is 25 so I could never have an interest in anyone that age...it's just too weird.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah..that's too creepy. I think it is better that the younger men are older than our sons at least...@-)
DeleteInteresting thoughts. I feel for me, if an older woman takes the time to care for herself, then why not go for a younger man who at least for the time being is taking care of themselves. In a way, it is all about the self image.
ReplyDeleteAt least now we have someone thinking straight- just teasing. For a moment, I thought, omg, who did I interviewed? No, it is a matter of preference and depending on the people involved as you say, I do like older men for the most part. I couldn't date someone even a year younger, but then, now I am wondering as I get older, that I might not be more compatible with someone younger a bit - only hypothetically speaking for the sake of the subject. Love my SO and wish god made more of him!
DeleteMY husband watches TV and sports games and falls asleep early, he is in his 30's. I guess I need to go younger? haha
ReplyDeleteI think women in general like the idea of taking care of something. We're nurturers. With that my husband is about the same age as me.
ReplyDeleteThis is very interesting.
I think older women seek younger men for all the reasons you state above and that at this time in their lives, they are more awakened and feel bolder, more confident and free to be themselves.
Men are all up on life early. Women mature.
When men mature, they seem to just fade.
I have dated only older men during my 14 years of being a single mom. They were good men and treated me very well however, there were issues. Either they were too set in their ways or too calculated with going the distance with a ready-made family. My husband is 8 years younger than me. I hesitated at first and somewhat embarrassed of the age difference. My mom told me older men I dated didn’t offer the same kindness and uncalculated love towards me and my kids, it’s not the age, it’s the heart. Thirteen years of marriage later, I feel blessed to be with this successful, handsome, younger man and would not do it again differently. My younger man is a unique man.
ReplyDeleteHave a thought? Please leave a comment here, and I will return as soon as possible. Thanks - If you have a minute, why not check-out the sibbling of Self Sagacity.com Blogger Broadcast. Extra Links = Spam = Delete.