Make Your Own Delicious Tomato Salsa

I like making my own anything for one simple reason - I know what's in it. And I can add as much of what I like without taking the recipe way off.
Salsa is one of those food items that we either not have fresh, nor on hand since it is perishable. So for such type of food, like French Bread, when it is hard to keep fresh for a long time, there is just only one alternative. Make my own.
Yeah! So let's bring out our tomatoes, garlic, yellow and green onions, and cilantro. The recipe will be painless. I promise.


3 medium tomatoes, diced
1⁄2 medium sized yellow onion, diced
3 garlic cloves, minced
3 tablespoon cilantro cut small
3 stalks of green onion diced to 1/4 inches (some people like to use green bell pepper, but since my family isn't a fan, I use green onions in place of it.)
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin - 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt - 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

Dice and minced all your ingredients and set aside. In a small bowl combine garlic, onions and tomatoes. Stir in cumin, salt and pepper. Lastly, stir in cilantro and let it sit in the refrigerator for an hour to cool before serving.


  1. First, many thanks to the submitter of this recipe. Made it yesterday with farm-fresh tomatoes and assorted hot peppers. I look forward to making this again and again.

    1. So happy that you did. I just made this again today, and really amazing how all the flavors come together so nicely.


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