My Addiction to Sodas

Fast forward to six years later since my first blog post on, I am still addicted to soda - Coke specifically. Jones is second best, especially the orange flavor, which I didn't even see on the shelf here.
I don't know about you, but I haven't been so fond of the zero Coke or zero anything, so I can't even imagine what the zero calories Jones would taste like.
This could be a good way for me to break my addiction to sodas, just start picking up the zero types and soon enough I will train my mind to think that it is not tasty and evil for me.

 I love the Jones soda that comes in the glass bottle. The flavor is so powerful that it wake your senses. Funny that these Jones soda cans have the old black and white images on them. When I see Jones soda, I do think of the good old times. I can't remember the last time I was into them, but I recall they were the "special treat."


  1. Once in a while I have bad cravings for a Coke, especially in the summer time. A iced Coke glass is so satisfying. :>)


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