Simple Wonton Soup Mi Hoanh Thanh

Tired of eating just noodles? How about adding won-tons with your noodle soup?

Vietnamese call this soup  Mi` Hoanh Thanh, also known as won-ton soup.

The ingredients I used in this soup were:
Shiitake mushrooms, torn butter lettuce / green leaf lettuce, bean sprouts, red onions, scallions, yellow egg noodle, and shrimp won-tons from Trader Joe's.

The entire dish shouldn't take long to prepare, if you are already know how to turn chicken broth into a soup base fairly quickly. If you don't, see below what to use to complete your Wonton Soup dish. 

Broth: First cook the broth. Use chicken broth to make things easier. Season the broth to your taste with salt, pepper and a little sugar.

Drop won tons in the soup pot and cook for 10 minutes on medium high. The Wontons are already cooked so there is no need to overcook them.

Have ready your torn lettuce.
Slice red onions and set aside.
Wash your bean sprouts and drain the water from them. Use a salad spinner if you can.

Assemble the yellow noodles first, lettuce on the side, wontons, bean sprouts, red onions, and shiitake mushrooms in a bowl, then scoop a ladle full of soup into the bowl. Put some chili into the bowl and enjoy. 


  1. I BET IT'S DELICIOUS! I love noodles but the restaurants always add MSG which leaves a after taste and make me thirsty after eating it. Home made are the best. Thanks for sharing. :)


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