Are you starting a new business? Well, while you’re about to embark on something that’s really exciting, it’s worth remembering this sobering statistic: 8 out 10 businesses fail within 18 months. If you don’t want your business to fail, learn about these common mistakes so you can avoid making them.
Write a business plan
If you have an idea you’re passionate about, it’s tempting to dive straight into it and hope that your customers love it as much as you do. But you’d be wise to wait a moment and write a business plan first. Now, everyone knows that business plans are boring, but they are worth doing: they’ll help to sharpen your focus, get you answering tough ‘why’ and ‘what if’ questions, and give you an opportunity to iron out any kinks before you commit too much time or money to it.Don’t overthink it
While failing to write a business plan is a definitely a mistake, over-planning can be just as damaging. Give yourself a time frame to make some key decisions in, move fast and get on with it: over-planning and over-thinking are two things that can spell disaster for beginner businesses. Continually ask yourself “Is what I’m doing getting me closer to hitting my launch goal?”, and don’t allow yourself to vacillate over the details such as logos, branding and slogans. Those kinds of details will evolve over time, so just get on with doing and delivering.
Keep a watchful eye over your finances
Unless you’re a trained accountant, you might find that the financial aspect running your business is more than a little bit overwhelming. So, don’t make the mistake of burying your head in the sand: invest in good accountancy software to help make the process of keeping on top of your finances easier, and be sure to choose tools that make filing your tax returns easy too, such as a tool like this one.
Check your physical security
Whatever kind of business you’re setting up, you need to have some security measures in place. So, whether you’re working from home, hiring office space or renting a warehouse, make sure you have a good security plan for your business: you might need to choose premises that offer security cameras, locks, visitor check-ins, video surveillance or perhaps even security guards, for instance. Consider spending a little bit of money on insurance too – it’s well worth having if you’re carrying thousands of pounds’ worth of stock or equipment.Bolster your cyber security
Another mistake many start-up businesses make is not having adequate cyber security. That’s due to the fact that many small business owners believe that criminals won’t attack them, simply for the fact that they’re not ‘big enough’ be worth the effort. However, this simply isn’t true: start-ups are renowned for having poor security measures in place, which is why 43% of all cyber attacks are performed on small businesses. Choose strong passwords, install firewalls, add encryption software to protect sensitive data, and consider implementing two-step verification too. This article of Cybersecurity: A Small Business Guide contains some useful information on improving your cyber security if you’d like to learn more.These are just a handful of mistakes that businesses often make when starting up. Be mindful of them, and good luck!
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