5_Reasons a Furnace Might Need Replacing in an Older Home

Lots of unexpected costs can pop up in the first couple of years of homeownership, especially if you’re buying an older home. Be prepared for a big financial hit, such as replacing a furnace. A home inspector can tell you the approximate age of a furnace, but it’s hard to predict how many years you have before the furnace will need replacing. Check out these five reasons why a furnace might need replacing in an older home. 

It Breaks Down Frequently

As your furnace gets older, it’s more likely to break down. Parts wear down over time and need to be replaced, especially components like a flame sensor or ignition. If you have an older furnace, you might need to call an HVAC professional more often than you’d like to inspect or repair your unit. When you feel like your furnace is no longer reliable, it’s time to think about replacing it. You’re probably wasting money on repairs that could be put towards the purchase of a new unit. 

It’s a Safety Hazard

All appliances pose a safety hazard when they get old because they stop working properly. This is especially true of furnaces. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a real concern, as well as fires due to the pilot light. Furnaces last an average of 18 to 20 years. If your furnace is older than that, consider replacing it to prevent injury to your home or family members. 

It Wastes Energy

As your furnace gets older, it loses some efficiency because the parts wear down. This means your monthly energy bill will creep up and you'll waste energy. Routine maintenance can keep your furnace working at peak efficiency for longer, but eventually it won’t be repairable and you’ll have to upgrade to a new unit to save money and stop wasting energy. 

It’s Too Noisy 

Nothing is more annoying than a knocking or clanging noise coming from your ductwork or furnace when you’re trying to sleep. This is particularly problematic if your furnace is anywhere near your bedroom. Newer furnaces run much more quietly. If your furnace is too noisy and a tune-up doesn’t fix the problem, it’s time to buy a new one. 

It Isn’t Compatible with Other HVAC Components 

There are several add-on components you can get for your HVAC system. The two most common are air purifiers and humidifiers. They integrate with your furnace and air conditioning units and make the air in your home healthier. Older furnaces may not work well with air purifiers or humidifiers because they increase the stress on your HVAC system and lead to unnecessary energy use. You need a newer furnace if you want add-on HVAC components. If the cost is what’s holding you back from replacing your old furnace, realize that there are cost advantages to upgrading. Newer furnaces are more energy efficient, which means you’ll most likely see a decrease on your monthly energy bill. Additionally, there may be tax programs and incentives for upgrading your HVAC to save you money.

 Image via Flickr by Tobyotter