Opposites Attract | Can Water Put Out Fire?

They say opposites attract. I supposed it is true. When I look at the couples I know, there is always one person in the relationship that is more bold, and a lot more colorful at something than the other. I haven't seen a couple that is mutually vibrant or mutually dim.

I was born under the zodiac sign of FIRE.
Fire is bright, strong, and takes control. It wants to be in charge. You never can miss fire. Never subtle, the most confident of all the signs. When it wants something you will know! Fire people do not stop until they get what they want. Look to the fire people as the leaders. The majority of world leaders have strong fire elements in their charts. People look to fire people as the energy boosters of the zodiac. The motivators and pep talk people are usually fire people. These people are very proud and confident. Fire people can also be very arrogant and self-centered. Don't go to a fire person for sympathy or comforting. They just don't have the time. They have no patience for emotionalism or heaviness. They tend to run over the weaker, shyer signs.

Generally compatible with air signs, fire signs can become tired and bored with the intellectual observations of the more communicative air signs. Without the encouragement and ideas of the air signs the fire signs would be lost. A fire sign is the boss who takes your ideas and motivates and leads all the employees to better sales and marketing while taking all the credit.

SO was born under the zodiac sign of WATER. 
Like the water in a glass, water signs conform to the elements around them. Feelings, emotions, and deep personal conversations are what motivates and stimulates the water signs. Sensitive to a fault, the water signs are often more concerned with your feelings and needs then their own. Psychic and secretive are often characteristics of the water elements. When they can no longer withstand the emotions of the world, they often retreat into their own private worlds. Sometimes this leads to compulsive behaviors and fearful ways of life. If the emotions get too strong, these people can be become addicted to drugs, alcohol, food or anything that keeps them from feeling as deeply.

Trust is a big need of theirs, which the earth signs can bring to water. Earth signs also bring the need stability and consistency to water that keeps it contained in a healthy calmer manner. In fact, water signs can be so emotional that the simplest things can get blown out of proportion into big dramatic scenes. Water signs dislike the strong boisterous personalities of the air and fire signs.

The Bottom Line:
For better or for worst. These two signs have merged for more than a decade ago. There is no secret. When you're not with a joker, you aren't going to get any jokes. It is a two way street, you cannot have a funny moment if you don't have an audience. I used to joke that I took to blogging because it is consistent with my life with SO. I write something funny, and it just evaporates. And now, it doesn't even matter anymore, because for as long as I have been with SO I have adapted to many of his characteristics.

By the way, I love the book called The New Chinese Astrology by Suzanne White. It is old - a friend gave it too me in year 2000. But it is 98% accurate for most signs and descriptions of the zodiac signs. In case you are interested in reading about your sign and your family's signs and which signs they might be more compatible with, this is a great read. Not selling, just sharing.
It will also help you understand the person or persons you're with better.

Descriptions of Fire and Water credits: http://www.nanceestar.com/elements.html

Here are Self Sagacity's Thursday Two Questions #153
1) Do you know what element you are born under - do you agree?
2) From observing, would you say that most couples are opposite in temperament, and or personality?

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  1. 1) Do you know what element you are born under - do you agree?
    I don't know my sign, but this is an interesting read! I don't necessarily agree with everything they have to say.

    2) From observing, would you say that most couples are opposite in temperament, and or personality?
    Yes, many people are the opposite of each other so they can balance out!

    1. I think I should lend you the book of Zodiac, it is a fun book to read.
      Yes, just as long as you don't take the context out of proportion.

  2. I'm not sure, if I believe a person is like their Zodiac sign or not. I have noticed some people seem to fit their sign, but is that coincidence or what?

    I think many couples are opposite to various degrees, especially in personality which I think may control one's temperament. For instance, I'm very easy-going, not-so-quick to anger whereas DH is not so easy-going, and gets mad faster. However, over the past 3+ decades we have rubbed off on each other were we seem to be more like each other we did at the beginning. Who knows, we may even look like one another when we are 80 or 90. lol

    Thanks for hosting!

    1. Yes. That is a provocative thought Cathy, and I am sure you are right. Or perhaps we just want to believe in something. I have to confess, I only want to believe the good stuff about my sign, and not anything that is negative...selective believe...they say. :-d

  3. Very interesting. I do not know what element I was born under. My birthday is November 4. It would be good to know!:) I think in many instances it is true that opposites attract. I have seen where the husband and wife were not alike in many ways. Thanks for hosting and enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. I think it is a good thing to know, it will add to your understanding of life... and yourself, or people you would like to know. Sometimes it doesn't match completely, but the questions is, do we really know that person for who they are?

  4. I have no idea of my sign. Especially that they did that switcheroo thing a few years ago.

    But I do agree that people seem to marry the opposite of themselves hoping to settle down or come alive. Tis quite interesting.

    And to top it off, my mother doesn't seem to know what month I'm really born in! Oy! Long story.

    1. What switcheroo? You mean the time frame? Now I am very curious...

  5. I am not sure what element I am born under, though I do agree, opposites attract. My husband and I are more opposite than alike, but we are stuck like glue. My best friend too. Maybe it's because the opposites balance each other out, that's why they get along so well?

    1. Stuck on you, stuck like glue. That is so cute. I hope you will have many more years of happiness and harmony. (f)


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