Beam to Me the Internet

It has occurred to me that I can no longer live without the internet. I don’t bother with the yellow pages, but instead I use Google search. Now that I am blogging, well, without the internet, I feel disable. It seemed as if many services have amalgamated to the internet. I bank on the internet, contact friends and clients, shop, and research on the internet.

A problem I encountered recently is that I can’t make corrections to my online issues at “the bank” even if they have a large brick and mortar presence. I have to be on the internet to make corrections through the online banking system. Needless to say, life could get very complicated if I didn’t have reliable internet service.

So with such issues, I feel lucky to have the internet readily at all times, because many people who live in rural areas have little option. Most are still using dial-up service, but there is good news, check-out the plan called wildblue. It is a satellite internet service that would beam high speed internet connection to your home! No longer do you need to feel like you're connecting with second level service. You can now surf faster and stay connected.

I can tell you in my household internet is a large part of our lives.


  1. It's hard to spend a day without internet.

    Take care & God bless.

  2. It's difficult to remember those days without the internet. I don't know what I would do without it now. Kinda scary :)


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