Your Paradigm is Your Choice

Paradigm = Coincidence may be described as the chance encounter of two unrelated causal chains which—miraculously, it seems—merge into a significant event.It provides the neatest paradigm of the bi-sociation of previously separate contexts, engineered by fate.

Coincidences are puns of destiny. In the pun, two strings of thought are tangled into one acoustic knot; in the coincidental happening, two strings of events are knitted together by invisible hands. - Koestler
--Synonyms: mold, standard, ideal.

Did you get that? I am done "babbling" for the week.
*Enjoy the flowers, yielded from a twenty-five-cents seed-purchase.
*Enjoy your new paradigm what ever it may be.

This week I had to put myself in a new paradigm - changed the way I viewed my first born. Increased my expectation of him as an adult and not a helpless newborn that needed shielding from evil. Pushed the limit to expose his character, in order to see the results of my teachings.

Have you ever looked at your children and wonder about your parenting? Does the result correspond with your efforts?

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Beautifully toned flowers! They really look so lovely gathered together in a vase!

  2. Hiya,

    Great quote. To someone who has been haunted by coincidences all her life, not a lot of help but very nicely put:-)

    Thank you for the bouquet and yes, thank goodness, he turned out a lot better than my parenting warranted :-)

    Enjoy your Sunday.

  3. @Greyscale Territory The flowers turned out so pretty in the vase. Or maybe it's the vase that made the flowers. ;-)

  4. @jo�o coincidences could be bad and hauting, hopefully you've taken them all to a different paradigm. :-) Congrats on your son, very cool to be blessed with such results.

  5. My favourite flower is the one that looks like a rose - white with pink at the edges of the petals!!
    When I look at my children, I mostly wonder how on earth the human race manages to survive childhood. I have told both of them that they will only understand when they are mothers themselves.

  6. What a great thought to reflect on. Though I don't have kids of my own, I will try to apply that to my hubby so I can appreciate him more.

  7. How can one manage to keep such beautiful flowers.. beautiful!!

  8. @ruthiThat is hilarious, I think this is a fabulous idea.

  9. @JudyA very interesting and honest perception of childhood. I sometimes feel the same way about teenagers and how they ever survive all those emotions and hormones.

  10. Your flowers are so very beautiful.
    One needs to re-assess ones children at various stages. We also need to re-assess ourselves now and again.

  11. Such gentle, peaceful colors in the bouquet.
    I'm glad that my children have become the wonderful adults they are. Despite my imperfections as a parent...or maybe because of them?

  12. Oh my...we have 2 children. One is so much like me (like us) that it can be frightening. We barely need to speak we think so much alike. The other one...we are always saying, "can you believe he grew up in our house?" I love them both, they are complete opposites and of course the one like me is easier for me to be with. I think we do the best we can and then they do their own thing!

  13. I especially like the images of the flowers in the vase.

  14. All are so pretty, they just yell SUMMER!

  15. I so love the white rose! so pure and innocent!

  16. beautiful pictures, love the soft colors in them.

  17. Yes, I have wondered more than once, especially with one of my sons. It's so hard! I love your flowers!


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