Integrated Marketing Increase Revenue & Success

increase revenue increase success
Marketing comes in multitudes of different angles and efforts. And most successful businesses have one thing in common, they employ excellent integrated marketing. Integrated marketing is the application of consistent brand messaging across the vast marketing channels.
So how does this apply to your business? When you set-out to promote or market your business, have you thought about the message that is being communicated to your audience? It is crucial to your business’s success to be consistent with branding messages. Did I lose you there when you reached the word business? You are probably thinking: “that’s not me, I don’t have a business.” But hold on here, when I talk about “business”, I am referring to even the smallest start-up, your blogs, websites, a product that you made to sell on Etsy, Ebay, or even on your website. Whenever you trade services or products in exchange for compensation, it’s considered to be a business to me. If you do one or more of the above, you are considered to be a business owner and therefore should be employing integrated marketing.

integrated revenue marketing

If you have an established business, needless to say, you would also benefit greatly with professional help. Integrated marketing will help you keep up with the ever changing environment and demands of your customers. As you have already noticed, a successful growing business starts looking more professional, more consistent, and much more organized. That is the magic of professional integrated marketing: someone to coordinate your campaigns, employ the benefits of social media, selecting the right audience, nurturing your customers with customizable emails, and providing you with integrated analytic. Basically, an expert to simplify your processes, pulls together your marketing strategies, and multiplies your chances of success.

One day one of you will surpass the hum-drum of just another blog, and that’s probably when you will recite to me that you've employed integrated marketing!


  1. Very interesting and informative. I am constantly learning more about marketing my blog. It is definitely a business for me now and I have a lot of work ahead.

    1. Great! Hopefully you can use some of the ideas of integrated marketing.

  2. What a great reminder that every level of business can benefit from branding and a definite plan.

    1. You know, it is true. No matter what size, if you want your business to rise, you've got to work at it.

  3. I think marketing is key. I know I am not really willing to take my blog to the next level, but if I did, I know I would seriously have to consider getting outside advice!

    1. Our friends will not tell the truth as they don't want to be put on the spot - there is no right answer unless you go to a professional.

  4. I want the upstart and then I'm off full speed ahead.

    Thanks for this information Amanda!

    1. Me too! It's almost too easy to preach, but that's exactly how it works.

  5. Thank you for sharing this helpful post at Anything Goes!

  6. I think it is wonderful that you spelled out all the marketing words. It really helped me realized what integrated marketing is.

    1. Thanks Jayne, I really try to make it as clear as possible visually. It's the modern way of communicating. smiles. :-d

  7. I'm not even sure where to turn for professional marketing help. I know my business needs it but there should be an easier way to find out which firm is best.

  8. Proper marketing techniques are the most important thing that anyone can do for their business before they even open their doors. Letting people know who you are and what you offer is as important as offering it in the first place. Where would certain companies be without marketing? A lot of big companies have average products but a very good marketing team telling us all to buy their products and buy many of them.


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